Monday, September 22, 2008

Road to the White House...

I wonder if America is really ready for a black president?  Maybe a better question is, has America matured enough to see that Obama is just another man with ideas running for the nation's top office, his race notwithstanding.  Do they really understand that he is similar to the John Kerrys the Joe Bidens, the Al Gores, the Bill Clintons and even the Bob Doles and the George W. Bushes of the world: they are all men who aspired to  that office (some successful, some not) and their ideas and their policies are what inspired people to vote for them.  Watching the frenzy of news coverage around Obama and watching all the excitement that he has generated in this MTV/TMZ world, I can't help but wonder if this enthusiasm is not fueled in a major part by the "star quality" that Obama has brought with his uniqueness, uniqueness largely founded on the fact that he is not the typical "old white guy" that for centuries we've been used to when it comes to presidential candidates.  Are people really listening to his ideas, sold on his policies, understanding his doctrines, solidly behind his agenda or are they intent on voting for him like they vote for their favorite  music video or movie star?  I like to believe that through all of this hype that at least a good majority of Obama's supporters are supporting him because they really think he is the smartest most qualified man for the job and that they are not voting like they would have voted for their high school class president: for the coolest guy on campus, cooler than the other guy.  I have hope and then I turn on TMZ and I'm scared....

we'll see what happens.